Tuesday, July 27, 2010

As I Fly Back Into The Real World My Broomstick Sparkles

Oh my oh my, where have I been??
Hiding under rocks, so I cant be seen!
Its time to re surface and rejoin the world after doing intense soul searching, I need to get back out there and after receiving my new 'Artful Blogging" in the mail I was renewed and revived with a passion for sharing.
I tossed up whether to talk about what Im going thru but its pretty intese and strange and I would not want to make people run screaming.  Lets just say Im an 'awakening angel' who is re aligning with the new earth.  The old earthling has to be burnt off so I can reach my full human potential, a very scarey and painful process.. but its ohh so nice coming out on the other side. 

If anyone feels the same please let me know, because people to talk about this with are few and far between in my world.  Im trying to resist become the crazy hermit lady hiding on the hill!

Winter is here, but you wouldnt think it, Miss Indi went for a swim in the sea at 8am yesterday, there was frost on the grass above us and the sun just came up over the mountain and I couldnt possibly reason with my child that there was this thing called winter and you just dont swim at the moment, so after many No's! she just lay in the water in her clothes so I had to take them off, out smarted by a two year old ...once again!

Off to Nana's for a hot bath...see it's all good Mum..

I wondered if I should show you around my world a bit, so I thought I would start with the bathroom, after reading Vanessa's last post at 'A Fanciful Twist' I remembered that we used to shower in the trees too when we lived in our caravan.  It was the reason we made our bathroom the way we did. Some rainy days and windy nights we look at each other and say "who's idea was it to put the bathroom outside again"??? apparently it was me!  but we love it and wouldnt have it any other way.

Outhouse was the name for toilet because it was out of the house, we are sooo old school!

the floor is tiled in off cuts from an Uncle, thanks Uncle!  The roof is clearlight so that the sun shines in and its so wonderful showering in the sun, or at night under the stars and in the moonlight...

we have a bench seat because at my favorite campground where I have camped all my life 3kms away!!  they have a seat in the bathroom to lay all your stuff out, its perfect for visitors, and I love that your bathroom time is very private and in your own space, maybe thats why our visitors shower for soo long.....

we needed a split door because in summer it is soooooo hot, so you need to be shut in but still be able to breathe....

I made all the wooden stuff, the bench seat, the door and the vanity because we couldnt find what we wanted, so very cheap to make yourself, a pottery made the sink for us and in the corner is a vase inside those sticks, but no flowers today, this isnt a 'my house my garden' shoot!!...

let the sun shine in!

and this is Kellys Passionfruit vine, because everyone wants to be able to pick fruit while they shower!!!

All the pottery is from a place called "Fern Flat Pottery" which is close to here, I brought it before we even built the house and I always knew exactly where it would go...here!...
and that is our bathroom, our sanctuary, such a beautiful place to clean yourself, its truly an experience washing at our house....

So what else is new...
Im sooo in love with accupunture at the moment, its the only therapy Im still doing and is amazing stuff, to be learning about your body on yet another level opens your eyes to just how complex we humans are, my body was a mess but we are getting it back together, I have been so asleep lately and slow but she tells me its because she has removed all my adrenalin and now Im functioning on a normal level. Woop woop adrenalin junky here, not in extreme sports, just everyday things like speed vaccuming, speed dishes, even speedily washing in the shower, and you should see me dressing my child! ...just .... slow ..... down!!!!!
So I have had pins in my skin and pins also in my dress makers doll....

Old passions are resurfacing and I have refound my love of building dresses on my dress makers dummy and hand sewing them.  No adrenalin speed sewing!!
Im loving it, this is the fabrics of the new dress but I want to wait till Ive done a bit more, its funny that I forgot how much I love it....

One thing I have been asked to do is make a list of everything you have ever enjoyed or brought you happiness, the list is huge, which Im guessing is a good thing, but there are alot of recurring things and old school things that I have just forgot about.  Its a great way to remember life if your feeling a bit stale.  At first the list starts and then when you run out of steam try to think of your life in years, school, work, 20s, parties, 30s kids, home, travel....all these places.  You dont write the thing like 'TRAVEL' you write the part about the travelling you enjoyed like 'exploring or freedom or meeting new people.  Its a truly amazing process and great to read on a crappy day to remember who you are.  I now know where to be concentrating my energy more, and remember how to focus on happiness and not the messiness...

And I also wonder if some little person is reteaching me who I am too, I have wondered for months why oh why the heavens didnt give me this awakening angel mission before I had Indi because Im worried she is seeing too much of mummy being sad/sick/crying/tired...words she didnt even know before this, but she has learnt so much compassion from it and I have learnt to take life a lot less seriously and play and play and explore and see the wonder in all the little flowers and birds...and to sing while you do everything.  Children only focus on whats fun and never mention crap things that get them down...when do we start to absorb so much??  I need to spend more time just looking at the stars for no other reason than 'just because'...

My day has been lit like a candle!
I have stumbled upon something quite wonderful that has got me very excited,  I loved the Mad Tea Party, ohh what fun I had,  but dont you think mine went a little dark???  Well here is my oppourtunity to be as dark as I want to be, a new blog party callled

I adore this movie more than any other in the world, there is no other movie that can make me feel as good as Practical Magic. So on September 25th there is a party going on over here, wont you all get your magical selves together and come join in, nothing like meeting people who are so in love with the same things as you, unlike when you were in school and someone liked the same boy! eek gggrrr meow hiss hiss

Hopefully I can rope some more wonderful people into my stories like Janine and Lucas, our WWOOFERS from Argentina who helped me with my 'OWOH Spider People Story' 

What story shall I do this time, there is so much inspiration!!!!

and with inspiration from Vanessa V

Here I am ending with

3 Random Things I Love

this is a strange clip from you tube and when I was shown it I thought 'hhhmmmm OK', but it has haunted me ever since and maybe we all have to be a little like this guy and just see how fantastic our world actually is.  So you may not like it when you see it, but wait a bit and it will get ya.
Double Rainbow All The Way!

2.Life and Leisure Magazine
This is the best NZ magazine by far, it would be an amazing magazine for people from other countries to subscribe to, its just the best of NZ's creative people and life, it makes me feel so happy to be living here every time I read it.  Its just oozes with juicy lives that you could dream of living, such a romanical magazine.

3.  Winter with Olive Oil and Parmesan Cheese
I could not get thru winter (not that its cold yet) without covering every stew with these, and it has to be expensive oil locally grown with a deep colour and good bite.  ohh yum, it reminds me of my days in Tuscany and that is pure happiness to me.

Well turns out I had alot to say
I will be back again this week.

Hello to everyone out there and thankyou for your ever present paitence
I love you all

Have a wonderful day, Im off to have a shower now that Munchy is sleeping



  1. Hi Sheree,
    I'm so sorry that you have been having some difficult times. I am too and I know several people who are as well. I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't just something in the universe right now that is messing with us.
    I LOVE your shower! It is one of the most magical things I've ever seen!
    I agree with you about Practical Magic...nothing in the world can make me smile like that movie!

  2. What a great post - so much going on with you!

    I loved accupuncture too - I would really like to get some more...but finding the time is another matter....

    I understand living "speedily" - I'm trying to slow down.

    Blessings to you!

  3. Hi Sheree
    You certainly had a lot to say.
    I suffer from a form of depression and live as normal as possible only because I depend on medication. That's OK. Its truly a life line. I have another blogger friend who has just starting to post about her experience back to reality. I have never had a breakdown, but have been close. But I am always here to bounce your thoughts on.

    The "Outhouse" is a unique idea to me. Would never work in Northern Indiana where temps in winter can dip below -10, not to mention 2 feet of snow on the ground. But your room is lovely. As close to a shower in the forest you could probably get.

    Practical Magic is also one of my very most favorite movies. My 15 year old grandson has also loved it since it came out. We have watched it together more times that I can count. I think when he was small, the lime in the coconut kitchen scene is what he liked the best! Freedom to dance around the kitchen is one thing I taught him when he was small!!

    The rainbow video was fab. My take is how wonderful it is to watch/hear someone having so much enjoyment from the simplest of nature's events. Marvelous!!

    Take good care, Sheree.
    Much Love to you.

  4. Dear Sheree, i have read your post with tears in my eyes, for i can feel & remember these very emotions & processes, not so very long ago i was in such a similar place, the very essence of me was lost and i had to walk along a painful, soul searching path of rediscovery too. I can remember the day i sat and wrote my own list of things i loved & the amazement as it just kept growing & i knew that i was on the mend. It is so good to read that you are feeling alive again, wishing you much love & light on your own path! ruthie x

  5. Sheree, you sound like you're bursting out, alive and shining! Fantastic to hear, and see you back blogging again, your posts are always a joy, and this one is full of LIFE! It seems there are many of us here who have experienced darkness of one kind or another, some have found their way home, some of us still getting there...and your story is an inspiration.

    xxx Christina

  6. Sheree, it is wonderful to "hear" the life and spirit returning to you. It makes me so very happy. Each sentence was bursting with life and passion. :) There are many of us who have experienced darkness at one time or another, and it is those who are truly strong who emerge whole and reignited. I LOVED your Mad Tea Party Post. I am participating in the Practical Magic Party as well, and I really look forward to see what you will have "brewing." Take care...Theresa

  7. Things do get better eventually. Two years ago I was in a similar place - felt like I'd fallen off a mountain precipice and had to claw my way back up inch by inch but eventually you get past the hard bits and the air gets fresher and your strength returns. You might have a few slips on the way, but trust in yourself and you'll make it back a stronger person. Warmest wishes and thanks for the tip about the party. I've never seen that film - but sounds sooo cooool! Will have to watch it.

  8. Seu blog é muito bonito. Tem coisas preciosas.
    Voce fez a pintura da fada?
    Está linda.
    Beijos do Brasil

  9. Wow! I love your bathroom! It looks exactly like the kind of place I could loose all sense of time in. Dreamy and grounding at the same time.
    All the best on your journey of finding you and getting to know you.
    I'm glad I stumbled upon this post as it's very reassuring to read thoughts from someone who is further along that path than myself.

  10. Hello, I wrote that
    His blog is very beautiful. Has precious things.
    You did the painting of the fairy?
    You are beautiful.
    Kisses from Brazil

    I used Google translator for the translations. I do not know if they are right but I fondly.

  11. I love your blog, your art, photography, BATHROOM, and your beautiful daughter! Such a nice place to visit.



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