Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Halloween Party In Spring???

Spring has sprung, Im into Halloween fun, its a difficult time indeed.... To party for fall, with witches and all when Im actually planting some seed!!!!

 Welcome to Halloween in my world.  A country which has never really celebrated this holiday because its Spring!  Ohh people try, the children will flit from house to house but only 1 in 10 will have something to give, so we now put on parties and discos for the children so we can dress up and feel we fit in.

A witchy tale is still instore
keep a close ear and I'll tell you more....

When candy corn your munching, or some other special treat
my juicy corn is rising, and growing super sweet...

watched over by wise Merlin, a flower for a cane
reading to my veges, waiting for the rain...

A gift for our dear witches, they love a natures brew
no frog tongues, legs or eye balls, but flowers, quite a few...

Let's meet the witch Edwina, shes French and likes a stew
she's always in the garden, so much healing magic to do...

You'll find her telling stories, she really is a hoot
and when she goes out shopping, her fetish is for boots.

Morgana Mandolin, hiding near the tyre
she lives for making broomsticks and singing in her choir...

Beware the grumpy German, Bettina Bogburrows III
she can turn you into cow dung, with the blink of an eye I've heard...

so I gift her with a flower, to keep her eyes at bay
a happy witch's a good witch, so you hear them say...

Sleepy Gretchen HoggleToggle, the booziest of them all
sipping her way thru the garden, shes's so drunk she may just fall.....

Miss Hagatha Horseton Christie, parades in her summer hat
chin chin and all thats merry, unless you are a cat.... 

she likes to pry their whiskers, and use them in her spells
to help you find your true love and one day wedding bells....

surrounding all the witches, are seeds all sprouting new
this one's a sunflower, and especially for you xxx...

remember all the lavender, purple, blue and mauve
we use it in our cooking, we bake it in the stove...

A hawk has left a treasure, to use in your new spell
I'll go and find the chickens, for a little one as well...

but first lets make some magic, spreading colour all around
inside this hand of seeds, is a field of buzzing sounds..... 

with spacey looking flowers, a design that nature made
how can such a crazy thing, grow where a seed was laid.....

and once its shown its magic, the wonders still appear
a little passionfruit pleasure, is growing out of there...

remember in my bathroom, up high there grew a vine
soon when your in here washing, you can eat to pass the time....

miss munchys in the garden, she's collected all the eggs
we can bake a cake for halloween, to feed to all our friends...

next we need some sweetness, can you help us buzzy bee
where do you hide your honey, can we look, ohh can we see...

what about a carrott cake, cause no pumpkins grow right now
they're cute and orange and ohh so sweet, babies can you tell...

the chef is starting on the cake, she's cracking the first egg
learning to crack a little bit, is magic mummy said...

in it goes, the big cake bowl, hmmm its a little dirty in there
what are you going to put with this, flour and horse hair???...

when I said flour I didnt mean flower, but like that matters now
plenty of dirt with petals and leaves, do we have to eat this some how??...

i would rather eat these sweet beans, they will grow into such grand vines
we can feast on magic veges, and make our bodies feel fine

orange colours are here for Halloween, although not in pumpkin form
maybe I can be more prepared, and do my next story in our fall!..

Forgive me for my confusion, but Halloween is not my best
I will go from party to party and learn tricks from the rest...

so weird we live in two worlds, the top and bottom it seems
with seasons never matching, but all of the same dreams....

Happy Halloween All
Enjoy your season Fall

Thankyou to the ever wonderful Vanessa Valencia for putting on her Annual Halloween Celebration

Follow this link to find more parties


  1. Unusual indeed but ever so interesting! It is wonderful to see your garden blooming while here things are beginning to shrivel and wither away for hibernation. I spotted a squirrel and a chipmunk today busy foraging for the winter. :)

    Sheree, I would be most delighted if you came to visit my enchanted Halloween Faerie Tale & giveaway:

    Enjoy the parties!

  2. What an Enchanting Halloween Party post! I truly enjoyed my visit, thank you so much for sharing your talent with us!


  3. Wonderful party! So great to see the sprouting in spring! New Zealand seems to be such an exciting place.
    Your welcome to visit my Halloween party if you haven't been yet:

  4. Your celebration reminds us that the wheel is always turning, one way or another!
    beautiful photos, thank you for hosting :D

    Come on by my party, there's an invitation for you:

  5. What a treat - signs of Spring!! Gretchen was my favourite. Has she been at the cider again? A positive delight Sheree, loved my visit. Sunny days to you!

  6. Such a lovely post! Halloween in the Spring?! Now that is magic! Hope you'll drop by! Happy Halloween & Pumpkin Blessings!

  7. Absolutely incredible!! You are a kindred fairy creature! Look at your beautiful spring. Isn't it odd, spring there, fall here? SO odd indeed! I can't wait to plant the seeds you gifted me!

    There is something completely magical, about seeing a spring bounty in fall, and your passion fruit and carrots... oh all of it.. I could go on and on forever!

    Your photo are pure deliciousnesss!

    Thank you for sharing the magic lovely!!

    ♥, Vanessa {A Fanciful Twist}

  8. This is so amazing! It really stands out from the crowd. Your photography is stunning too. Happy Halloween!
    Roisin x

  9. What a bright and sunny treat on a cold, gray day...truly magical in it's promise....absolutely touching in its message....

    Yes, we share the same dream though worlds apart....your light shines thru the clouds....your witchy talents transcend convention :D

  10. Charming, enchanting, gorgeous....

  11. My Halloweens here in Texas were always warm! I would dress as a Hula Dancer or mermaid or any outfit that let me stay cool. So we aren't that out of sync- and I hope your holiday is fantastic!

  12. What a beautiful post!!
    Thank you :)


    come visit:

  13. Very refreshing and beautiful halloween post...I do love spring...

    Happy Halloween,

  14. Yay for celebrating Halloween in beautiful Springtime.

  15. Really great post - I love the spacey looking flower!

    This has been my first ever blog party but I've had such fun so far :)

  16. What a fun fall poem! Beautiful photos! Glad i made it here - still checking out lots more parties! - please do come on over to our graveyard / party The Graveyard
    and feel free to add to our Shrine To Honour The Dead if you are so inclined! Blessings.

  17. That was lovely and magickal seeing the growth of new life there when it's time to tuck pumpkins into their bed here. I loved all your witch's and their pointy hats it brought smiles and laughter to me and my cats :)

  18. I was too early yesterday, glad I ventured back...

    Spring Has Sprung in your Halloween Garden

    This is sooooo much fun!!!
    Love your blog & your PICs.
    Please fly by for my giveaways too...
    Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy

    My Haunted Halloween Party Link:

  19. Hi Sheree,
    Are those sculptures your creation? What a marvelous springtime approach to a holiday I've automatically associated with autumn. AND you're in LOTR land, which makes me envious :) Hope you've enjoyed the Halloween blog hop, I'm still making my way down the list..

  20. What an amazing post! All of your photos were beautiful! Thank you so much for inviting me to share the festivities with you! I hope you'll come and visit me soon!


  21. I had a great time at your party. Love your photos. Very well done. Oh, how I wish it was Spring here in Michigan. It is fall here and winter will peak it's cold winds and snow soon.
    please visit me:

  22. What a fun springtime Halloween! Your photos are gorgeous, I enjoyed it so much :) ~Lauren

  23. Ooooh I don't look forward to winter at all at the moment and this post just reminded me of what I will be missing. Gorgeous pics and art....all too beautiful to be so far away....wish it were here! Enjoyed your post.Your home is one place in my daughter's dreams ( Hobbit Land ), it may be mine now as well. Thanks for inviting me to your party.
    Drop by The Wood Beyond The World
    for a chance to win some Halloween Art

    Happy Halloween

  24. Somehow I missed this post when you wrote it... and I just clicked on the photo on your sidebar and am so taken with the lovely garden gathering! Beautiful post! This weekend we are celebrating Samhain here with an ancestor ritual. The pumpkins and leaves are orange and the smell of fall is all around. I can see how Halloween in spring would be quite a different thing!


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