As I sit here with a itching sunburnt back from 2 days ago, I right now cant see further than 100 meters around my house for all the fog and drizzle?????
Spring is here!!!
And a New Zealand Spring at that, 4 seasons in one day.
Damn I just rushed to the kitchen and I have burnt my chickpeas for the hummus gggggrrrrrrrr
Im such a vacant multi tasker at times.
Ohh well, I will stick to art. Im here to show a new piece I finished in one day, I couldnt stop, Im sure you all know this feverish pace when something is wanting to be made so badly.
Its a very large painting done on a collage of book pages.
So this is the evolution of my paper moon character, she is now in colour with real arms and a face and some better clothes to wear than a shaded triangle. A few people asked me to do colour pictures earlier and all I would say is "I dont do colour", I needed simplicity, so that is why all I did was black, a lot less wrongs to be made.
Take a look....
all the pictures in this new collection have this frame in them...
The whole picture..
A puriri moth, which will grow in a tree trunk for up to seven years just to live for one night.
full moon
angels Trumpet or Datura
sleepy villages of magic
pom pom grass
There is alot of symbology going on in there which I will write about later, they are going to an exhibition in a few weeks so I will need to get the stories ready for then, here is the next one I started
it has my first ever attempt at a horse
and of course some beloved bird cages
Enjoyment is the word I use to describe these paintings, I do a pencil and sometimes pen out line, watercolour paint and then sit there for hours with pencil doing all the details and it gets all the colours to be so much more vibrant, sometimes watercolour can look so dry and un shiny. Colour pencils are perfect.
I have to give credit to someone for this part of my journey and thats Cameron from Paint Myself Pretty.
She loved my Paper Moon pictures so much so I gave her permission to use the style and gave her pointers and help whenever she needed it. Cameron fell in love with the style and felt it really opened her heart up to being an 'Artist'. It felt very special to be able to effect someone this way just by being open and giving and not holding onto my art style like I ever owned it in the first place. The inspiration has returned back to me with the ability to move into colour, maybe I was stuck in my little black and gold box and couldnt even see my way any more. So thankyou Cameron for now inspiring me, lets hope the art giving train just keeps on going, we could all learn so much from each other, I so want to learn how you make those stop motion videos. anyone who knows, Im open to lessons!!! So here are a few of Camerons pictures, take a look at her blog if you dont already, much talent lives in this ladies bones and not just in paintings!
Her blog link is HERE!
Cameron makes her art into prints, cards and books and tags etc, so go check out her shop link too
Clever Lady!!!
Ok well I have feverishly cleaned today and am now going to take a nap, here are some rascally photos of the shenanigans these poor puppies have to put up with.
"OK Your coming with me"
"Ohh no, help help, I just had a turn!!!"
Trolley Rides For Everyone!!!!! Poor Puppies : (
I will draw the winners of my witchy T shirts in the next post this weekend, and the DevaWood Hangings are only up for sale in my Etsy shop for the next week (till Thursday) because they are off to the city to be part of my exhibition.
Have fun Ohh carfty ones
Ohhh I almost forgot, I will be seeing alot of you in stripey socks soon at the Fanciful Twist Halloween Party, Hmmm Halloween in Spring in a country that dosent celebrate Halloween!! sounds great, I will think of something!
Ciao Bellas xxx
(Im reading Eat, Pray, Love)