Monday, March 19, 2012

The End Of The Road For Now xxx

How to start this?? ummm
Im going to stop blogging
there just say it xxx

For anyone who has been following me for a while now, you will know of my past two years of transforming and how that has been tough as hell medication free but soo worth it in the end.  The one thing I am now finishing up with is the anxiety that arrived with it and Im doing so well that I have to keep rolling.

I chose my word for this year thru my Goddess Guidebook Year Planner and it was the word
what Im finding is that thru blogging I am giving myself the excuse to not expand.  
If Im bored I will look around blogs,
If I am lonely I will message someone, 
If Im feeling unloved I can blog about something and get some comment love
but there is a vulnerability to this for me, I feel that my happiness lies in a virtual world so its not 100% real for me and anxiety rises when I realise that it can be gone in an instant, so before that happens I am removing myself to concentrate on getting confident again in my real world

I dont like my e-world being the main part of my real life anymore.  My god was it a huge help when I was really sick and couldnt go out, blogging was my saviour... but now it feels more like a captor and I need to get out there in the REAL world more, its so easy to have anxiety these days and stay home all day and feel that you are participating in the world thru your computer, I dont even have to go and shop in town, I buy nearly everything we need online!

So Im not deleting my blog, Im just taking the rest of the year out from it
It will be here to visit, new people can discover and have a look around
I will keep my Raven Moon Magic facebook page going for updates on life
but I will not be posting or playing in blogland, instead I need to tell stories in my physical world to friends who I have to visit to talk to and people I may bump into in town when I go to shop.
I will still be visiting your blogs and staying in touch!
I still want to see your journeys and watch little people growing
like this one who will be 4 in a few weeks!

More than anything I want to thank my followers with the whole of my heart for watching me evolve, and had fun or were inspired by my life stories, its been a huge journey, and I hope to return the full whole person I am morphing into, where blogging will be something I can do in more of a lighthearted manner, more of an offering than a trade

Last day of the Zodiac Tomorrow, Autumn Exuinox and its my birthday, Im going to be 34 years young, this is why Im stopping my blogging today, start my birth year with a few changes.
Im decluttering on all levels today! 
All my love going out to touch your happiness
much loves

To Join Me On Facebook For Random Life Moments

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Clothing Sale at Etsy, get your CODE here!

Just popping in quickly to say that Im having a WEEKEND SALE!!! over at Etsy

Raven Moon Magic Gypsy Queen Weekend SALE!!!!!

20% off your purchase and 'free gift'
This weekend only!

use coupon code 'RMMGQ2012' 
at checkout to reduce prices 

This is just some of whats available

See Ya there xxx
Back with a real post next week, my Flora Bowley art course has been consuming me, its so amazing, I will put up some step by step photos, although we havent finished yet, the progress Ive made is amazing! woop! love it!

Summer Sunshine to all!
