Where shall we start, what is there to do, always in the garden, always us two....
any Jacks in the beanstalks, growing towards the sky, we may not come back with golden eggs but there will be golden beans on their vines...
where does this path take us, past a tasty lunch, past the juicy lettuce and a peppery rocket brunch...
ahhhh it is the munchkins magic kitchen, she is mixing up a brew, conjuring up a storm, pouring water in her shoe....
and past the radiant artichokes I can hear a small faint song, singing of her lover, but he's been gone so long.....
pining for her prince, he's left her in the sage, resting on her log, dying of old age.....
peeking round the corner, at the magic munchkins spot, shes nowhere to be seen, new ingredients she has got......
we walk up past the pansies, sniffing chamomile, looking round for munchy, but spot a dinner smile.....
mmmm I love my broccoli green, munchies favorite tea, where has she gone, its been too long, is she spying on me?....
I look up past the sage patch, past the wooden posts, the mystery is she must have left this place she loves the most....
I spy a wise old wizard, he tells me of a tale, in which a child grows wild, and becomes a shiny snail!!...
Ohhh no munchy are you in there,
can you hear your Momma call, Im sorry your spell went wrong, your a snail after all!!....
please mrs berry I need you, have you seen a snail so bright, shes wearing boots and stripey pants, god she must look like a fright!...
then I heard a grumble, a troll was taking notes, shes over at her kitchen, fixing what she broke....
blasted spell so tricky, I thought I got it right, I was trying to make rain, but instead I became a mite.....
and with the spell work over, a grumbling munchkin ran, flying out the garden gate and hatching a new plan.....
abandoning her kitchen, pans strewn all about, shes gone down yonder jabbering, whats she on about?....
goodbye dear Ganesh, thanks for blessing us, bringing good luck to our garden and filling us with love...
as i look back on our creation of friends and growing pride, i hear plenty of screeching, the munchkins finally gone wild!.....
its time to feed the chickens, I hear my munchy say, jibber jabber jobber in her little munchy way.....
digging deep for food, the munchys in the bin, she better not lean too far or the munchy will fall in......
and now for the feed dance, arms all flapping so, the poor bloody chickens, dont know which way to go.....
coming thru my rooster, outta my way white hens, im going looking for eggs, lets see whos in the pen....
and here we have old brownie, sits on her eggs all day, leave me little munchy, aint it time to pray?....
so off to Saraswati, we put flowers in her hand, ask her for some wisdom, and to help us if she can....
munchy loves the birdies, pretty peacocks too, ask daddy if we can have one munch, he'll let us if you do......
so munchy weaves a new spell, one to get some birds, with big green tails and screechy calls, dad will love what he just heard hehe .....
such a beautiful day for potions, bubbles mix in well, plenty of water fun to do, when you've gotta weave a spell......
whisper it to the lavender, they always like to hear, of any wishes that you have, any time of year......
I hear were getting big green birds, mmm yes I'd love a treat, send them my way, Ill help them out and show them where we eat mwah ha.....
pipi wants to nark on us, but kelly wont get home, she waits and looks and waits and looks, pity she cant use the phone......
theres wood to chop, a fire to start, its winter after all, come on dad, when you get home there will be a mighty rain fall.....
cause I wove a spell, to make it rain so we can snuggle for the day, have a cuppa tea, watch some tv and wish the winter days away.......
so out with the cups, this ones for munch, she loves her cuppa tea, what an adventure we had today, whats on tomorrow, we'll see.......
I don't know how to drive this webpage but I had to make a comment somehow! Look, I am just in awe of you and these things you create. I absolutely love this. Honestly you make me smile soo much! x Sharl x