Monday, February 7, 2011

Ace of Cups

I cant throw my cup away, it is my creating cup and I always used it when I was in my art room making magic but now that its broken I cant part with it.  Will I get the same presence from another cup??

Its just that its white and clean and patterned and a really nice shape.  Can you tell I have cup issues!

I spend some time each day looking thru OWOH posts, as I am doing now, with my banana cake with chocolate cream.  I think Im seeing why I havent won anything before, you have to be in to win and I spend so long at everyones blogs that Im not really getting anywhere, maybe 3 or 5 blogs a day, so thats about 50 by the end!  ohh dear... but thats ok because I get more from giving than recieving any way.  The getting gift joy is over so soon but the giving joy just keeps on going.

In giving joy mood, Im waiting on Txt's from some of my healers so that I can get addresses, for these parcels I have packaged up.  Money is never enough to give people who heal, they have given me back something that I treasure the most now, health and happiness.

So I made wood hangings for them all, though it dosent seems enough..

and while I wait and sip my tea...(the cake is gone! gobble gobble!!) I read a beautiful article in one of my favorite magazines...The Notebook.. so empowering and inspiring for women, this should always be your first pick when buying a new mag....

So a nice morning for a mother who is child free for a few hours....
Im now going to meditate and implant some joyful freedom into my heart by remembering this weekend...
(Ohh phewey only one blog visited today!)

we were at the wharf before dawn so that India could catch a fish for her first fishing contest. 5.30am start and nothing but excitement...

fishing with help from her Poppa, no sprats were safe....watching your child have fun while learning about the world is such a joy, I love to see her brain work....but a 2 year old casting a line!!! out!! hooks flying everywhere..

she was so happy to weigh in her fish and loved the prize giving because everyone just kept clapping woo hoo!.....she missed out on longest sprat by 1cm!!  so next time they better watch out, Indi's got the fishing bug!

Well I hope your not all freezing up there, it is soo hot here, burn time is more like 60 seconds today.  We are feeling very sad for Australia, seeing as we have family there, when will they get a break, it hurts my heart and has me feeling a little nervous for whats next to come and where, mother earth is definitely up to something.  Are we all hanging out for the end of 2012 so this can stop, and will it stop??

Ok much needed meditation..I need to relax and feel my Zen

Love you people
thankyou for all the comments on my story, it was very fun to do



  1. love the picture of India sitting on the dock... so serene and peaceful... I understand completely about your cup.. I say keep it.. as I know I would even without a handle... Favorites are hard to give up...

  2. Oh, I'm sorry about your cup! I have a favorite, too (but luckily I have 3 identical ones...) before I got a dishwasher, I absolutely hated washing dishes...I got 3 so there would always be a clean one ready!

    I love Indi's face with her fish....she is so proud! She'll get 'em next year for sure!

    I realize, too, I need to send you something for the veggie stand....

    Take care, My Friend....we are all keeping Australia in our thoughts.....every time anything happens in your part of the world, my Mom asks if I've heard from you :)


  3. Oh sister I have cup issues too!!....and people keep buying me NEW cups for gifts like I am in need of one! :)....I am actually getting used to the rough (sharp) edges of my old, broken cup....

    Your morning looked divine!! xo

  4. oh she is so cute and looks happy on her catch!

  5. That's some fish and, can I let India into a little secret, it's bigger than any I ever caught!! Bravo young girl!!

    Know what you mean about OWOH - I can't possibly get around them all. If I comment, I like to leave something meaningful and that usually means a trip round a few of their posts before doing so and then... time flies....

  6. I'm still working my way down the OWOH list, and don't think I get it done before the date either... I'm like you, I want to take my time to look at all the blogs, read the stories and leave a personal comment... you are soooo right: there's more to win this way then to just go down the list and copy/past a comment just to receive a gift... I'm glad I found you on the list though and I will go on searching for more 'pearls'... enjoy your day - tea from a broken cup does taste even better sometimes!

  7. Holy moly! Your blog is amazing!! I can sit here and look at your beautiful blog for hours! I come to you today from my friend Marit's blog, and I'm soooo glad I did!!
    Thank you for inspiring me!!!

  8. What an incredibly stunning pic of Indi with the sunrise! I understand about your cup too, I had (well, still have) a beautiful handmade one with a dragon painted on it that I bought in Cornwall more than 20 years ago...Beloved knocked the handle off it while he was washing up one day, so now it sits on my art table, full of pens and brushes.

    I didn't get around to OWOH this year, I'm a bit sad, but just so busy now that I'm working again. There doesn't seem to be enough time for creativity :( .

  9. The picture of your daughter is priceless! Whay joy to see this morning!
    I totally simpathize with the story of the broken cup, funny, I have the same idea that a certain cup makes it taste better, doesn't it?
    As far as teh blog hopping goes, my hand is just about disabled....

  10. I get so upset when I crack my favorite cups - there is a lot of banana bread and cake around. Love banana cake! Three big cheers for Indi - what a sweetheart. The smile on her face is priceless as she holds that fish. :) I am trying my best to blog hop...I don't remember it taking this long for me last year. Ah well, time to grab another cup and read some more! Theresa xoxo

  11. Oh Sheree -- I am much like you. This year I don't seem to manage to make the OWOH round in time, as I keep on reading nearly everyone's blog. Hah!

    I love the photo of your little girl holding the fish -- precious!


  12. How I adore your photos and your stories!! And yes, there is NO way I am making it through all of the OWOH blogs. What keeps me going is the thought of discovering the jewels among yours. I am definitely following as I feel like I've found a kindred soul (even if across the world).

    Such a beautiful life you lead!


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