Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Broken Angel

This may look like best friends painting nails, but its something even better...
Its best friends supporting each other as kids innocently do.
Indi has broken her elbow after fighting with her beautiful best friend at the top of the slide and falling to the bottom,  but they dont care, they dont know how to hold grudges, there was never any blame or story telling,  they just get on with it, and here they are, playing happily, Mayya having her nails painted by her friend with her right hand in a cast and her wiggly left hand making a mess of not only her nails but her fingers, but they just soldier on and do it together, never judging, just feeling the moment.

Watching my daughter and her broken elbow have taught me so much and it has only been 6 days since it happened.
Firstly if your child does a cry you have never heard before, dont suspect she has found a new fake cry and tell her its ok! haha ohh god terrible mother alert! eek
But seriously, what she has taught me is that adults complain, sure kids winge, but adults do nothing but look back and complain, projecting all kinds of, 'If only I hadent' sort of scenarios.  She has never talked once about wishing she had not broken her arm, dosent complain about what a pain in the arse it is having a cast and no use of her hand, and it has not slowed her down at all.  I wonder if adults are not living in the moment enough and how things may be much more pleasent if we just got over things faster and got on with it.  Stop wasting energy on regret and just adjust ourselves to our new reality.  Is that it?? adjusting ourselves may be the hardest part, so stubborn to have things the way they were because it worked.  But if accidents like this altered our reality then we get to discover things that our rigid lives we're not letting into the light..happy accidents that free us....like this..
Here she is with a picture she drew of me with her lefthand.

Its of me and our dog Pipi, and I know it looks like nothing much to you, but this is as good as her right hand.  Im right handed and Kelly is left handed, is it possible that this is how ambidextriss kids come about???
I look a tad grumpy in this picture...me?? never! ; )

No loss of sense of humor either, I have to say I thought I was in for a sweet ride and she would slow down a bit!! dream on mum!  Nothing but a still arm, a fast body and a cheeky brain.

Yesterday we went to get her permanent cast but her arm it is still too swollen, she enjoyed having a poke at it anyway.

So relaxed and brave

and they have set her hand free in the new cast.  So next week stand by for cast creativity.

and no fighting!!!!!

be happy, be brave


P.S. I know I have been extremely absent but we have been so busy here, so bare with me till Indi starts daycare next week. We are all so excited, time for mum to achieve things and time for Indi away from hanging out with mum doing chores, she is going to have so much fun. xxx


  1. The poor little love! It's inspiring the way kids are just so go-with-the-flow, and as you said, never holding a grudge or pointing the finger (well not much haha). I can't imagine how you must have felt in that terrifying moment when you realised it was serious. Ahh kids, they keep us on our toes! I hope she makes a speedy recovery :) Brightest Blessings xx

  2. That relaxed little face does say it all, doesn't it.....
    I'm glad to hear it hasn't put a damper on her spirit or creativity! She is such a happy girl!

    Reading your post is timely for me (you have a way of doing this that just amazes me!)because I'm sitting here very guilt ridden about things today...
    Same old.....same old....

    I look forward to seeing what having some extra time will help you accomplish! Ideas flourish with you!

    Big hugs for you...and some gentle ones for Princess Lefty ;P

    We are hoping the week goes quickly for you both :)

  3. She is so truly adorable inside and out. Your post really hit home for me - adults can learn so much from wise children! Thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter's wisdom!


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