One more week till we click over into Raven Moon and Im trying not to get too excited. Really I think I should be able to feel like this any time of the year right?? but truth is I dont.
When it's a Raven Moon my creativity and plans soar to new heights, its the time of year when all I have concentrated on suddenly bursts forward into the next level of reality.
Last year it was health, this year its my work that Im focusing on. And with my daughter starting day care in a few weeks I am going to have 3 days to make my dreams real where at the moment I get one day.
And I love that one day, yesterday I updated my Etsy shop, had a photoshoot with myself and my remote control shutter ( I adore that thing, best $8 I ever spent! ) gardened, cleaned, painted, read, ate an amazing lunch, hung washing, fed chickens, talked uninterupted on the phone to friends and talked to my plants. But I always get a little bit excited when Im going out the drive to pick up my daughter, to hear of what amazing things she got up to too in Grandma land.
Days off are great for BOTH of us!
Here is something I have been working on for nearly a month! It just takes so long to get anything done at the moment, my farm seems to have become my full time job.
*Pendulum Charts*
I have had a pendulum for many years and use it regularly but was so frustrated with the charts that were out there, they all had far too much of an occult feeling which was heavy and dark and made me feel I should be hiding away doing Pendulum work under the moon with candles etc. Thats just not how I feel about my pendulum and I wanted something that was about light and sunshine and happiness... like rainbows!
So I painted 6 charts which I felt would cover all the bases of the questions I have. They are such a joy to use that I decided to copy and laminate them and send them out to the world., for others to use too.
SO here is a run down on the 6 charts...
But first a little something for those of you who dont use a Pendulum yet.
About Pendulums
Anything that has a weight and hangs from a string can be used as a Pendulum, but a properly made balanced Pendulum will give the best results. There are many theories on how the Pendulum works and what it can be used for, some say it reacts to knowledge which is not yet in the conscious mind and seeing as we are here with a full knowledge of our lives and are day by day remembering, that makes this tool work. You will find a Pendulum more useful as a 'Where To Focus Your Energies' tool, rather than for 'Reading The Future'. Change is constant and every decision we make is altering our paths like the branches of a tree.
Use this tool for personal use of for others with their permission. The Pendulum will not answer questions about others without their permission.
How To Use A Pendulum
Hold the Pendulum between thumb and index finger, and have your elbow on a table to keep you steady. These charts are created with a center point (bottom of chart) which is where your Pendulum should hang when still. Speak your questions out loud and keep your Pendulum informed of what you are thinking, this saves confusion. After asking the question you may still ask it regularly while the Pendulum swings to keep you both on track. Be thankful for every answer you get. The more familiar you are with your Pendulum, the better it will respond, so spend some time together like old friends.
If the Pendulum seems to be completely off track ask it if your should stop for today, respect it's times for answering and for not. Most of all..Have Fun
Alphabet SoupFor the discovery of names, places etc. Ask for spelling and go letter by letter, saying first letter please etc, run thru previous letters each time you ask for a new letter. When letter is correctly identified pendulum swings back to the center and is still. When complete check if correct on 'Yes No Maybe So' chart
Positive Energy
This chart is used for all decisions in life, a 'Mean Positive Energy' chart helps you see if the decision your about to make, question your about to ask, proposal, idea or journey has a positive energy attached to it. The segments are in % of 10 – 100, so 10 not so good, 50 win or lose its fine, 100 go for it. Its like the little guardian angel helping weave our path to happiness.
Yes No Maybe So
A Million and One uses. This chart can be used alone and is the main chart for many Pendulum's. 'Ask Again' suggests the question is confusing or unable to be answered with yes/no. Re-phrasing is needed. 'Not Now' suggests it's a question that you do not need the answer to at this time.
What to Do With Myself
This chart is for those days when you are wandering in circles around the house. You don't mind what you do, you just wish there was some motivation to do something. Ask your pendulum what activity will help you get the most joy out of your day, or inspiration, or relaxation, or results.

Chakra Healing
Feeling an issue has risen with no topic to fix it by? Check your chakra's and see if they are blocked. Ask 'are there any chakra's which need attention'
Find a good chakra and crystal book and use their techniques to clear the blockage and let things go.
Time and Space
A chart for all those timing questions but also for discovering how to really work with yourself for better result, work smarted not harder.
Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring we all prosper in different seasons, find when its best for you to start new project, make changes, let go and rest.
Months of the year for questions about changes, prosperity, career, love, family...when will it happen...when??
Hours in the day for finding your most focused achievable time bracket, use the 'Yes No Maybe So' chart to confirm if the time is am or pm.
Weekdays to get on top of your week, discover how the week best works for you, working hard at the start and relaxing at the end??

Bright Light and Fun is definitely the word here. I love being in the presence of these charts.
Today Im working on making pendulums too, for sale, I was looking at crystal or brass ones but you can get those anywhere so I am making some special Raven Moon Magic ones.
Mine is Brass
The more you use the Pendulum the more efficiently you work together, so practice practice practice and find your own way of how things work, my ways work for me but I have read many books where techniques differ, as long as its consistent your way will work too.
6 Charts and Instructions
$17US / $20NZ in my Etsy shop
Another thing I have for sale now is Smudging Sage. After doing the Goddess Haven course I was amazed at the number of women who didnt know where to find some or couldnt find some Sage to burn to release their homes/spaces negativity.
Seeing as I grow a ton of this plant I have packaged it up for a weeny $4US / $5NZ to send it out to you. So this is also in my ETSY store.
I am working on more book banners again but this time they are in colour too, eveything is getting very colourful around here, after a whole exhibition in the black, maybe Im finally free of all of that, I certainly feel it. Nothing like diving into the darkness and doing the work, hard as it is ladies it is worth it in the end. And to think that just over a year ago I was thinking it would just be best to kill myself!! eek yes its true, I just couldnt see that my life could come out of the blackness I was in.
How wrong was I !!
Peace Love and Mung Beans To All
What a powerful statement to close your post with....thoughts of suicide....but to have it flow from your fingertips like fleeting as a butterfly thought now, is more powerful...
ReplyDeleteA year ago, I was drawn to your light like the little lost moth I was....but instead of a bright light in a dark are now the sun...unapologetically fiery, unabashedly strong and undeniably unique....the brightest star in the sky...
It is such a pleasure being your blog friend....enjoying the ways you radiate out into the rest of this beautiful world of ours!
You are amazing :D
I have just discovered your blog. How lovely to find another soulful New Zealand woman blogging ... the more the merrier, right? Your shop items are beautiful. You obviously put a lot of love and work in to them.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you!
Hi,lovely pendulum charts, I would like to buy them,your etsy site was empty.